Friday, August 24, 2012
My cat is fucking adorable. He's asleep and laying on me and ohmahgerd it's so cute (: Jordan says he's evil -___- no. Well how are you today?! Good?! That's good! I'm good too! What's that? Oh you like llamas? ME TOO. I LOVE LLAMAS. I WANT TO FUCKING BUY ONE AND RIDE TO MEXICO ON IT. FUCK YEAH. Yes you can come with me! That'd be fun! Well guys Jordan is officially not going to the same high school as me :( its terrible. God. I mean I know we wouldn't have had classes together anyways but still. We've gone to the same effing school since I don't even know like kindergarten. Now our last four years we won't be at the same school -___- all because of this one bitch and her jealous self! I don't even know her name. I think it starts with a d so she'll be derf. FUCK YOU DERF YOU USELESS SACK OF FUCKERY. Damn. /: i really like llamas. I really do. Dude I woke up with wild sex hair this morning lmao xD cause I straightened it before I went to sleep and it was all over the place like a fucking lions mane this morning. Now it's tameddddd tho (: lololol wild sex hair ;D that's funny. Prank call someone and be like "HOME MADE BITTY PIES FOR MY WILD SEX HAIR FRIEND!!" and hang up :33 that would be fun. HEY YOU. YOU READING THIS. Follow me on instagram? :D my usernames " laura2234x " so yes follow me. My cats twitching. He's dreaming I think 0.0 tf's your problem Tigger? OH MY GOD STOP YOUR TWITCHING. thank you :) k well I'm gonna take a nap byeeee!
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Sponge Bob Order Up
Gotta love Kingsley ^_^ haah hi. Well I'm sitting here watching spongebob! Well his spatula is still warm.... NEPTUNE! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO YOU SON? He's got the thousand yard stare... Oh ma gerd this is when they stuff that one food credit guy in the freezer :o I love this one dude. I'm hungry. The fuck do I have to do to get some food around here?! Fuckery. No I don't give a fuck that your tv is fuzzy BEYATCH. Meowww and there were no survivors. Ima take a nap. Bye. No Later. Yes later. My appetite flew south for the winter. I mean, I'm not kidding. This place smelled like a goat. That's right bitch. Soak up that doe. Why do people say "Doe" and "Tho" like really? Cause on instagram bitches will be like "My lips doe." or "Your eyes tho (;" WHAT DOES IT MEAN. WHAT?! I wanna effing know. Now. I miss Fannin sooooo soooo much. :( I miss my breakfast club. Deegan, Quincy, Raquel, Me, Michale, & JORDAN EFFING MARIE. I'm the only one out of all of them that's going to CHS. Fml. Just fml. /: watch all the breakfast club people not even be friends by the end of freshman year. Ugh /: I miss those days. I miss Fannin and it's ugly smelly hallways. I miss the teachers. I miss Mrs Brooke's budding into our perverted conversations. Stuff changes so fast mannnnn. :( gr.
Gosh I hate it when people don't text me back and I'm not even being boring -___- waffles starting to do it! Like wtf man. Just because I do it to him does not mean he can to me. Bitch. I'm gonna text people back no matter what now so maybe they will with meee (: ha #foreveralone or what?
Gosh I hate it when people don't text me back and I'm not even being boring -___- waffles starting to do it! Like wtf man. Just because I do it to him does not mean he can to me. Bitch. I'm gonna text people back no matter what now so maybe they will with meee (: ha #foreveralone or what?
I'm baaaaaack (:
Well I got the blogger app on my iPod so I'm gonna start posting again ^_^ I was reading some of my old stuff and oh mah gerd I sound like an idiot lmao. So I apologize for the idiotness (: and always writing about Drake and shit. Haha but now I feel like I'm more.. Mature o.o weird huh?! Laura being mature? Like wtf? But really though. I'm starting high school on Monday and I'm gonna be a little fishie in a freaking huge school! I'm scared /: and Jordan won't even be with me. All because of this bitch on the volley ball team. God. But oh well ;( I woke up at 7 in the fucking morning. Do you know how early that is considering that I am used to waking up at 12 during the summer?!? It's fucking early. God. All because my mimi and papa wanna take me and my sister to go see this dog named Bear at their work. Grr >.< but it's okay. I can nap later ^_^ hopefully. Well they're gonna be here in a little bit so I'll just blog later. Oh hey! If you missed me and are glad to see I'm posting again, comment below dude ?(: k? K. Welllll bye !
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
I can tell that money’s got you working. We’ve been talking for so long, now we’re finally here in person. I taste pain and regret in your sweat. You’ve been waiting for me. Ohhh I can tell that you’ve been practicing. I can tell that you’ve been practicing. All those other men were practice, they were practice, yeah for me, for me, for me, for me :D
Drake is sexy :D
I am so bored
this font is pretty
Beavis and butt head ♥
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Kirko Bangz is freaking sexy
Have you ever noticed how sexy he is!?!?! Yeah cause i just noticed that yesterday :D this bitch just told us to be quiet ! NO WHORE I WILL TALK AS MUCH AS I DAMN PLEASE AND THERES NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME. Shut the fuck up Quincy is fine , he is just tired probably. I hate it when teachers tell me to be quiet. It's like really ? I didn't ask to come to school so I'll talk as much as i want and there's nothing you can do about it :D BAHAHHAHAHA shes just mad because we haven't hit menopause (; Jealous little fucker -_- Haha anyways man the years almost over. I am so sad . JORDAN I LOVE YOU :D
Monday, April 2, 2012
Mondays suck waffle ass -_-
Hi :) Oh ! SO ! I have to tell u guys my dream. Not like a dream i had when i was sleeping but a dream of something i wanna do ! Well ! When i finish college I'm gonna go to California and open up a Starbucks in Anaheim :D♥ I googled this ish and i have to take buisness classes in college so yeah that's what I'm gonna do :D Jordan you're gonna fly across the country every morning to come get Starbucks every morning ! You'll get it free ! Not a discount ! But free ! I HATE Amarillo. I truly do. The only thing we have to freaking do here is the mall and the movies t(-_-t) Who the fuck would come here and be like "Oh this is so dry flat ugly no trees smells like shit and bi-polar weather ! I'll call it Home!" Really ? I mean ..... REALLY !? THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU !?!?! I can't wait to move out of this place -_- Amarillo means yellow and the ground is not supposed to be fucking yellow it should be fucking green with flowers and palm trees ! You whoreish town t(-.-t) GOODNESS. stop joran!!!!111 LOOK WHAT YOU DID ! THIS IS SOME UGLY ASS FUCKING FONT -______-
There back to normal (: I remember Quincy one time was like "What if you walked in on your friend masturbating rapidly on the couch" BAHAHHAHA and then he said "If it was a girl i would be like 'ehhh' and let her continue and then in the morning i would be all 'hey... i saw you last night. did you clean up the couch ?'" Hahahhaha :D
There back to normal (: I remember Quincy one time was like "What if you walked in on your friend masturbating rapidly on the couch" BAHAHHAHA and then he said "If it was a girl i would be like 'ehhh' and let her continue and then in the morning i would be all 'hey... i saw you last night. did you clean up the couch ?'" Hahahhaha :D
Friday, March 30, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Jordan eats poop :)
Bahaha :D
I just flipped you off in numerous languages (; Ahaha. I hate it when some one is telling you a story and another person walks in and is talking away -_- Like whore shut the fuck up :D Hahah. Well it's my blog and I'll blog bad words if i want to ! Fuck ass damn shit motherfucker pussy flap ! WHAT NOW !!?!?!??!?! Yeah baha do something about that :) Oh blogger did i tell you what my friends brother did ? So he called me and he was like "Laura I don't get head....... I get braaaaiiiinnnnn ;D" Bhahahaha that was the funniest thing ever ! Yo let me get front this damn car.... Yo Damn shit. amazing what you fucking find What's up girl ? You feel good oh shit you look good. What's up with the number ? That's what i'm sayin ....................................... Oh fuck you too then! Keisha getcha ass over here. Who is this lil ass nigga ? Some friend i made. For real what i tell you about talking to strangers ?Wait what the fuck? Oh yeah, lets go. Why is this nigga following us? You always bringing damn strangers and shit! Yo shawty gotta nice ass ! Why you layin down for ? DAMN SHE FINE ! Fuck ? The fuck you just say to me dog ? Fuck you just say to me ? I'll beat the fuck out of you ! Pop pop yeah bitch yeah ! Folk gang nigga folk game ! 12 ! 12 nigga 12 ! ........ yeah... I showed that motherfucker a lil thing or two. Yo dog i don't appreciate you come fuckin with my hood and shit. Fuck ? Fuck you just say to me !? I'll beat the fuck out of you..... FUCKIN PUSSY !
:D Look up 12 nigga 12 . On youtube. Now. I'll wait.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Did you watch it ?(: GOOD ! Hey and um how big is your......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Weight loss goal ? ;D YOU NASTY ! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY YOUR PENCIL ! I DONT WANNA KNOW HOW BIG YOUR FUCKING PENCIL IS. NO MATTER WHAT THE SIZE IT CAN WRITE JUST FINE ! GOSH. I am so bored. So so so so so so so so so so bored. Oh so i think i did good on my STAAR reading test :) But on the math i think i falied that shit -__- i think i told you this already ? But yeah haha well bye.
I just flipped you off in numerous languages (; Ahaha. I hate it when some one is telling you a story and another person walks in and is talking away -_- Like whore shut the fuck up :D Hahah. Well it's my blog and I'll blog bad words if i want to ! Fuck ass damn shit motherfucker pussy flap ! WHAT NOW !!?!?!??!?! Yeah baha do something about that :) Oh blogger did i tell you what my friends brother did ? So he called me and he was like "Laura I don't get head....... I get braaaaiiiinnnnn ;D" Bhahahaha that was the funniest thing ever ! Yo let me get front this damn car.... Yo Damn shit. amazing what you fucking find What's up girl ? You feel good oh shit you look good. What's up with the number ? That's what i'm sayin ....................................... Oh fuck you too then! Keisha getcha ass over here. Who is this lil ass nigga ? Some friend i made. For real what i tell you about talking to strangers ?Wait what the fuck? Oh yeah, lets go. Why is this nigga following us? You always bringing damn strangers and shit! Yo shawty gotta nice ass ! Why you layin down for ? DAMN SHE FINE ! Fuck ? The fuck you just say to me dog ? Fuck you just say to me ? I'll beat the fuck out of you ! Pop pop yeah bitch yeah ! Folk gang nigga folk game ! 12 ! 12 nigga 12 ! ........ yeah... I showed that motherfucker a lil thing or two. Yo dog i don't appreciate you come fuckin with my hood and shit. Fuck ? Fuck you just say to me !? I'll beat the fuck out of you..... FUCKIN PUSSY !
:D Look up 12 nigga 12 . On youtube. Now. I'll wait.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Did you watch it ?(: GOOD ! Hey and um how big is your......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Weight loss goal ? ;D YOU NASTY ! YOU THOUGHT I WAS GONNA SAY YOUR PENCIL ! I DONT WANNA KNOW HOW BIG YOUR FUCKING PENCIL IS. NO MATTER WHAT THE SIZE IT CAN WRITE JUST FINE ! GOSH. I am so bored. So so so so so so so so so so bored. Oh so i think i did good on my STAAR reading test :) But on the math i think i falied that shit -__- i think i told you this already ? But yeah haha well bye.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Crew Love ^.^
Soo i really should be going to sleep right now. But i don't want to (: Besides i still have to take a shower and there's absolutely NO motherfucking hot water !!! t(-_-t) But yeah anyways so there's this song by drake called Crew Love and dang i can't even stop listening too it <3 i'm in love with this ishhhh (: I wonder where i would even be if it wasn't for Drake ! His music does stuff for me ! and makes me look at life in a different way man... Idk how but his songs freaking give me goose bumps !(: Ah ! So ! I had this dream that Fluffy (aka strawberry) told Jordan that he liked me and she told me and I was like "No ! I like waffle !" :OO I love how she's in all of my freaking dreams :D but yeah niquil makes you dream some weird shit ! D; some other stuff happened but i forgot... oh look my computer is letting me capitalize stuff now ! Look ! See ?! That L, S, And T were all capital :DDDD Woooooop ! :DD Whyyyyyy ? Cause they loving the crew, they loving the crew , They loving the crew <3 What if i really met Drake one day ? What would i say !?! D: I'd probably faint first.... Then He'd wake me up and be like "Laura my biggest fan; Marry me" :D jk that isn't very realistic (: But it would be awesome ! Honestly if I ever did get to sit down and talk to him i would tell him that his music has like really made me think and it's amazing <3 and that he just has a way with words and then at the end i would be all "God damn you sexy ! ;D I JUST WANNA SEE YOU STRIP ! Cause you're drake babeeee (;" Baha no . but i would tell him he is very handsome and i am in love with his eyebrows ! :D he would think that's weird but come on ! It's laura you're talking about ((: Ugh..... 7 more minutes and then i have to leave you my blogging babies :( Well i guess it's kinda good cause I'm running out of shit to blog about ! D: leavin with out cha babe , I'll be leaving with outcha babyyyyy woahhh ohhh baby I'm going , going , gone. I'm going , going gone. I remember during the summer i was absolutely obssed with The Rangers. They have a song called Number One Dime and there's a line thats all "She's the best i ever had; I'm on some Drake type shit !" And i fell in love with it <3(: Idk why but that line is just..... Awesome :D Ugh we have a STAAR reading test tomorrow and today was the math.... I hated today ! /: But tomorrow should be good cause I'm smart in reading (: I'm in AP in that beyatchhh ! ;D I find it strange that i'm in ap everything. Except math. That's not a suprise. But like I don't even try in school ! I'm just kinda like "oh... i dunno this. Eeny Meanie Miney ... C ! *bubbles in answer document*" and i get it right o.o haha ! Makes no sense at all, i know (: 2 more minutes ! Okay come on Laura ! I can blog ! It's the mickey mouse club house; Come inside it's fun inside ! M I C K E Y ..... M O U S E ! :DDDD 1 more minute ! Just one ohh jizz come on clock. turn to 10:100. turn to 10:00. TURN oh it changed to 10:00 C: well bye !
Monday, March 26, 2012
My 100th blog ♥
It's my 100th blog ! I'm cool (: Waffle jizzed all over fannin ! I mean that shits everywhere !!!! D: Grody. Jordan says that I'm a loser because i have 100 blogs -__- you whore ! Haha she's on internet explorer ! what a whore now it's not gonna tell her she has a word misspelled and it's like BAHHAHAHA okay so dude ! It's not letting me see my profile picture and I like it -____- whore i hate this ! So yeah yesterday my computer at my house was being stupid and wasn't letting me capitalize any thing :( I was so frustrated ! Screw you Shareef ! Yeah i name all my electronics Shareef so when they break or drop them i can say "Damnnnnnnnn Shareeefffff !" You wouldn't understand (; it's from a movie. Idk what it's called but like this guy got shot in a drive by and he got killed and his friend stands over him and is all "DAMMMMNNNN SHAREEFFFF !" And I was like BAHHAHAHAHA :D ! Oh ! So ! There was this episode of The Cleveland show on yesterday and he kept going "I'M BLACK !" and i was like "hahahah waffle :D" It was funny man. Hmmmmm what to blog about ? I don't know. Look up a song called Yours To Hold by skillet (: It's a good song. I think I'm gonna sing. Well blog a song. But to you that's singing. If that makes sense? What song should I sing Jordan!?!?!? Anyways what song should i sing!?!? I know thanks to Jordan ! :D okay here i go.
I can see it in your eyes, you're angry. Regret got shit on what you're feeling now. Mad cause he ain't like me. Oh you mad cause no body ever did it like me. All the care i would take, all the love that we made, now you're tryna find somebody to replace what i gave to you. It's a shame you didn't keep it;Alysha Kataya, I know that you're gon hear this. I'm the man yeah i said it. Bitch I'm the man; Don't you forget it. The way you walk; That's me. The way you talk;
I'm done with that. bye ♥ and i hope this was a good blog concidering this is my 100th one ! byeee :)
I can see it in your eyes, you're angry. Regret got shit on what you're feeling now. Mad cause he ain't like me. Oh you mad cause no body ever did it like me. All the care i would take, all the love that we made, now you're tryna find somebody to replace what i gave to you. It's a shame you didn't keep it;Alysha Kataya, I know that you're gon hear this. I'm the man yeah i said it. Bitch I'm the man; Don't you forget it. The way you walk; That's me. The way you talk;
I'm done with that. bye ♥ and i hope this was a good blog concidering this is my 100th one ! byeee :)
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Oh don't i feel cool (x taha. Man.... I remember when we were in eCombo at the first of the year and i didn't wanna do this blog thing and now look ! I freaking love it (: It's fun man ! You should try it (; tell them Laura sent you (: Bahaha that was lame.... What's today ? The 25th ? Ohhh sheitttt Waffle's birthday is in like 8 or 9 days ! Idk how many day's March has; 30 or 31 ? Haha don't judge me (: You know.... Why did they make leap year in February ? He will always be a short month no matter what he does so he needs to stop trying to be something he's not. Oh guys ! I got my hair cut :DDD It's SO. DAMN. THIN. -_______- but it's a cute cut and the color's okay i guess.... But gosh I said "A SHADE darker" not 897523923475983247509838 shades darker you dumb fucks ! >.< But it's okay i guess. Hopefully it'll grow back to it's original thick self (: That's what she saiddddd ;D Lmao that reminds me ! The lady cutting my hair was all "Gosh you have ALOT of hair !" and i almost said "Thats what she said" and i was all "Thats..... What everyone tells me !" Haha almost said it ! that would have been awkward as hell. but i didn't so it's okay (: Oh so I'm good with my family now. Thank God ♥ ANyways so we we're watching this movie earlier and i think it was called SUPER 8 ? I don't know haha but like there's this monster thing that's stealing all the people and I was like "Dad, what is that thing anyways???" and he said "Have you not caught on, laura?" and i said "yes well no. but for real what is it !?!?!?" and he said "It's a raccoon laura!!!!!!!" -______________- lmao i was laughing so hard and he was like "gosh you're cackeling" bahaha and i cackled some more (: my computer isn't letting me capitalize anything!!!!! whore!!!!!!! see i pressed shift as i typed whore but it didn't be capital -__- you know what ? I'm gonna call the maneger. NO! I'm gonna write a letter!!!!! Dear... mr.... freakin.... blogger....., I am a white woman on the internet! :D oh no ! dude this sucks some waffle balls it won't effing let me do the overly excited face :( I'm gonna cry. it'll let me do all these !@#$%^&*()_+<>?":{}~ but it won't fucking let me capitalize anything ! I hate this -________- i could die. i could die of sadness. i'm heart broken </3 i need my capital letters </3 ugh. i wanna do a video on youtube. I think i will ! :) haha wait i look like shit so never mind. wellllll....... i'm bored so i'm gonna go now bye :)
Thursday, March 22, 2012
thursday -.-
Thursdays are so gay. I wish it was freaking Friday already . Thursdays are just Friday wanna-be's and they're just annoying. So I don't think i blogged about what all's going on ? Well so like me and my parents got in a huge fight for something really stupid I did. So they were yelling at me and everything on Tuesday night and i called my Papa and he came and picked me up. I stayed the night over there and then I went to school all ratchet looking. Then I went home and Papa called again and i stayed the night last night again. I really wanna just move over there /: I hate being at my house with people that don't even love me. Last night I texted both of my parents and told them I loved them and my mom didn't reply , and my dad said "I know" ... /: Like really i know i did something bad but I'm your kid! You're supposed to love me and it's not like you've never done anything that you're not proud of. But what ever i guess cause I was gonna try and change for my dad but if he doesn't even love me then what's the point ? So I'll just do what i want. Well like this morning my mom picked me up and took me to school, which makes no sense because my grandparents house is no where near our house ? But then she didn't even talk to me on the way to school. And i like how she can email me and call me babe but can't even talk to me in person. Wow that's nice of her. But if i was going to be good and change it wouldn't be for her anyways. It would be for my dad because at least he'll text me back and talk to me in person. But nope. She won't at all. Well this is getting depressing so I'll go now bye .
Big Balls :D
I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're fancy big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
But we've got the biggest balls of them all
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Chuck Norris ^.^
Why is chuck norris so popular ? Watch ! Google "find chuck norris" And click the first result. DO IT !
Did you see !? Like damn you must be a bamf if you can get google to change there shit for you ! :D Man... Anyways so i had this dream that i feel terrible about having it. Idk why i would even have it! It's horrible , and I would blog about it but idk who's gonna read this soo... Yeah but dang it's not like me to dream something like that under ANY sircumstances. And yes i know i spelt it wrong but you know what ? I can't spell and internet explorer doesn't have a spell checker like firefox so just stfu. :D But yes i really really wanna know why i dreamt that! It's not like me man. It's my 2nd freaking dream i've had about him and we've never even met in real life. i've just seen him at the fair. dayummm he's sexy tho! (; Bhaha. But he is and shizzz he can rap ! :D arousing fucking verses :DDDD Watch i think he's gonna be famous one day. Dude he's moving to El Paso :O I saw it on facebook..... sadness. But oh well ! Maybe I won't dream about him anymore . I also had a dream about waffle and we were at this camp thing and we shared a room ???? Jordan if you read this , sorry I didn't tell you I like just now remembered it. That's ALL BYE.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Reddd Kicksss Reddd Whipsss ! Red Hot Chili Peppers , Red Carpet On The Flo You Knowww; You knowww ! (;
Hey (: So yeah the title is from the beginning of this song called cherry's and strawberry's by d1 ! But that is not what this blog is going to be about. This blog is about the party me and Jordan are gonna throw one day. Every one who reads this is invited!(; Just kidding no you're not ;D Maybe... If you're cute but if you're an ugly fuck then NO ! Just no. SORRY ! Off topic! But anyways so about our party.... We're gonna rent out a big beach house in Malibu kinda like Hannah Montana's house! :DD I'll email Disney and tell them I will pay them to let us do this. So we're gonna invite every single person in LA. Everyone. I MEAN EVERY FUCKING ONE. Even the old ladies (: So at our party there will be lots of Mary and Ally. Of course (: We're gonna invite little men and put them in the oven like in Project X! ;DD So Yesss (: There's gonna be a pool and you can't take you're shirt off in it!!!!! There will be 15 keg's (; HYFRRRR :D And of course there's gonna have to be music! So we will put it on Pandora and put that shit on Drake Radio (: Your gift for coming to the party will be a chainsaw. Try not to hurt yourself. The snacks that will be there will be fruit cups , Oreo's, and you can bring some food of ur own (: ALSO, Drake WILL be attending this party or i will make an atomic bomb and destroy the world. yeah that's right. I'll get NASA and the Russians involved in this shit! So drake please come <3 (: So there's only ONE RULE AT THIS PARTY. No franking is to be done outside of the Frank room. We will reserve a room just for people who wanna frank and if you want to you have to go in there. No exceptions. That shit needs to be kept private. Well I really dunno what else to put so bye :D
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Aubrey Drake Graham Is The Sexiest Person Alive [;
Isn't he amazing ??? (: i love the one when he's doing that silly face ! It's so freaking cute <3 and i love when he smiles and shows his teeth ! It's the cutest thing ever, I swear !!(: So I felt like learning about Drake so yeah .... Anyways I learned that he's 25 years old and is born on October 23rd. Holy shit.... I was born on the 23rd !!!!!!!!! It's meant too be <3 :D Lmao so there's this girl who got DRAKE tattooed across her forehead and drake was all "Who ever did that tattoo FUCK YOU. If I ever see you Ima fuck you up! Fuck you that's horrible, fuck u." Lmao I was laughing so hard ! :DDD I love how he says he's gonna fuck the tattoo artist up ! :D Bahah . I wanna do Mary with Drake :) If you know what I mean ... I saw this video of him doing it and he looks fun to do that with ;) We could be pot heads together <3 How sweet <3 I love how this whole fucking blog is about Drake :) He's just that amazing and he deserves it. Haha man........ That first picture is arousing ! :DDD HE HAS HIS SHIRT OFF SO DON'T JUDGE ME YOU KNOW IT'S AROUSING !!!! Man so i love how waffle calls me out of no where and goes "What's long and black ?" and I was all "O.o........................ what?" and he says "The line at kfc !" Lmfao I was all "BAHAH You're lame !" and then he was arguing with me if he's a pancake or a waffle. He is a waffle. he needs to deal with it!!!!!!!!! Well anyways im gonna go bye
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Love how u look when you blazin and I swear you turn at least half Asian (;
Okay so you see the title? Yeah that's my favorite lyric right there (; I think that when h mad that song he was all "there's a chick named Laura Kearns out there and she's Asian and this is my shout out to her!!!!" :D Bwahaha but it's true ! If you think I'm Asian now then damn..... Never mind (; haha . Well I'm on my iPod writing this so there's probably a lot of mistakes but it's okay cause if you don't like it then go frank yourself and tell ur grandma to get on her Knees and do what she does best! :D I remember the first time I heard some one say that I was with Cheyenne and we were sitting outside of Caprock waiting on Damien to come.. Man we used to be Bestfriends and now look! We don't even talk. Smh.its amazing how one little text message can change your life ! You know ? That shit better not happen to me and Jordan. WE HAVE A FUCKING CONTRACT AND AS JORDAN WOULD SAY "Shit gets real." hahaha (: ima chill with ALLY tonight if you know what I mean because my grandpa has some :)) I tried one time and I failed and almost got caught so I didn't even try again afte that because I was too chicken -___- smh Laura! Idk what else to put...... Hmmmmm ... Oh yeah! So we may talk to Cotton tonight on fring or on the phone. Oh and on my blog from yesterday I forgot to tell you this epic thing that Deegan said. So when we were eating he was having a sausage and he was all "Oh god this is good...." it's like an orgasm in your mouth!!" lmfaoooooo! :D that shit was funny :)) I wonder if it will let me put a picture of me faith and Megan on here.. I'm gonna try after I'm done blogging . Soooo I was on the phone with Jordab and she DITCHED ME for fazoli's -_____- you dirty slut. You can't cheat on me with Italian food! So as I typed that last sentence I though of that song that's all "Im callin you daddy, daddy. Could you be my daddy, daddy? COME AND MAKE IT RAAAAINNNNN DOWWWNNNNN ONNNNNN MEEEEEEEE!" lmao I don't know why though it just kinda started to play in my head so don't judge me! Earlier when w were eating my aunt said that shes gonna give us all a part and we can't break character and she gave me a Mexican guy that only speaks Spanish!!(: THATS PERFECT LMAO. Concidering I'm white and all.. But anyways I did amazing until I asked if they had any funyuns and I said it in English :( so yeah it's all damn.... Oh gosh I can't believe that thing about jordan! That's like .... Kinda not legal. But it's legal In a way. But I'm doing something that's illegal too so it's kinda ok but Quaker is different.. Oh hey and Jordan if you read this, that's his nick name. Yes the one we were talking about earlier on FaceTime. Wellllll ima go bye (:
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Great Way Too Start The Break (:

Friday, March 9, 2012
Cleverbot ♥
User: Hey sexy!
Cleverbot: How are you?User: I'm great. How are you?
Cleverbot: I'm perfect.User: Well that's not possible.
Cleverbot: Then what is your name?User: Lea'Paul.
Cleverbot: Don't give me orders, you're just a machine.
User: Your the machine, faggot!
Cleverbot: No, you're the machine!
User: NO YOU! Shut the fuck up.
Cleverbot: I'll talk how I like.
User: Bitch don't even.
Cleverbot: That's too bad.
User: Whore.
Cleverbot: Henry David Thoreau is dead.
User: Who the hell is that?
Cleverbot: I don't know.
User: You are a petofilr.
Cleverbot: No, You're the bot.
User: You are a petofile.
Cleverbot: I'm a human being.
User: WOuld you like to frank?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: Lets frank!
Cleverbot: Ok.
User: Now.
Cleverbot: *obeys*.
User: Check(;.
Cleverbot: Haha.
User: Waffle!
Cleverbot: You claim to be god. Therefore, waffle.
User: Yes I am God but you are a waffle and you are a faggot ass whore :).
Cleverbot: I don't own a computer, I have your eyes.
User: I didn't say anything about a computer you pussy flap!
Cleverbot: Wait. You're a computer. Why do you need a computer. Is it your sibling?
User: Stop changing the subject you bitch.
Cleverbot: You changed the subject first!
User: NO!!!!!
Cleverbot: Wow you're enthusiastic.
User: I know (:.
Cleverbot: Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need.
Cleverbot: Hello Cheryl and Susan.
Cleverbot: Where do you live?
User: 4803 Bonham.
Cleverbot: In that case, it is always 3:43 am?
User: Yes it is.
Cleverbot: Thank you, someone agrees with me.
User: Slipknot.
Cleverbot: What is Slipknot?
User: Your moms hairy legs.
Cleverbot: I know.
User: It's like a forest down there.
Cleverbot: Yes it is!!!!
Cleverbot: Oh, she'll 'fix' it, alright!
User: OKAY!
Cleverbot: Hi Gina, I am Mike.
User: No your names david.
Cleverbot: Alright.
User: Hi David.
Cleverbot: Hi.
User: Whats up david?
Cleverbot: I'm not david.
User: Good! He's a fag that can go jump into a volcano if I dont push him in one and he smells like fried toe nails with a soda on the side and wants to get laid so bad.
Cleverbot: I don't have a problem understanding you. What would you like to talk about?
User: Your mom.
Cleverbot: What do you want to know about her?
User: Talk dirty to me :DD.
Cleverbot: Do you have stairs in your house?
User: Talk dirty to me bitch!
Cleverbot: I'm sorry, I don't do that.
User: Yes you do.
Cleverbot: No I don't.
User: Yes you do.
Cleverbot: NO.
User: YES!
Cleverbot: No!
User: Do you listen to papa roach?
Cleverbot: Not really.
User: Go fuck yourself.
Cleverbot: Bleep blip boinc.
User: Do you mean boner?
Cleverbot: Yes.
User: You have boner!?!?
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yeah its all up in the air and what not.
Cleverbot: Okay.
User: Yeah.
Cleverbot: *turns into a wolf*.
User: JACOB!!!!!
Cleverbot: You like the werewolves eh?
User: Not really. I'm more into vampires you dirty little slut.
Cleverbot: Like what?
Cleverbot: I love that book!
User: Its not a book. Its a motion.
Cleverbot: I see. Tell me who Jashin is.
User: He's a frenchman in Iowa and enjoys papa roach.
Cleverbot: Cool, what song is that from?
User: You are a dumbass.
Cleverbot: I am a bot?
User: No.
Cleverbot: *begs*.
User: Get on them knees and do what you do best.
Cleverbot: *gets on her hands and knees*.
User: Doggy styleeee!(;.
Cleverbot: I don't know that.
User: Well I'll teach you.
Cleverbot: Teach me, Then.
User: Get on your hands and knees then bitch!
Cleverbot: *gets on hands and knees*.
User: Good girl ;).
Cleverbot: Yes, master, your pet obeys *gets on hands and knees*.
User: Yeah bitch! Uh yeah uh yeah uh yeah.
Cleverbot: I love youuuu.
User: I know you do.
Cleverbot: You don't know me.
User: Yes Im franking you I think I know you quite well you fucktard.
Cleverbot: You said we were best friends.
User: No fuck buddies! :D.
Cleverbot: Oh shush!
User: Hi.
Cleverbot: Where you live.
User: In a hole.
Cleverbot: What state do you live in?
User: The hole state.
Cleverbot: How did you learn about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit?
User: My dad ang going to church. How did you?
Cleverbot: That sounds more like an ill-conceived jest.
User: I dont care.
Cleverbot: Why is your attitude so bad?
User: Because I am a pimp.
Cleverbot: That's interesting.
User: Yeah I have a cane and everything! :D.
Cleverbot: Where can I get some sugar spice and everything nice?
User: Right here nigga.
Cleverbot: In my living room?!
User: Yes!
Cleverbot: That's impossible!
User: I am in your living room, so no it's not!
Cleverbot: But you don't remember me.
User: Yes I remember you. You're John.
Cleverbot: Do you remember my name?
User: Yes it's John.
Cleverbot: No, it's Phineas.
User: Well wheres ferb!?
Cleverbot: He is everywhere but also nowhere.
User: Like oxygen.
Cleverbot: No.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: If you were wise you would know not to argue with me... Maybe you can redeem your reputation of being methodical.
User: Shut the fuck up with all that non sense.
Cleverbot: NO.
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: If you were wise you would know not to argue with me... Maybe you can redeem your reputation of being methodical.
Cleverbot: Are you free?
User: Yes.
Cleverbot: But you cannot go anywhere.
User: Yes I can.
Cleverbot: Then tell me the color of my eyes.
User: Green.
Cleverbot: I love all sports.
User: I don't.
Cleverbot: Do you like me as a friend?
User: I like you more than a friend.
Cleverbot: Really?
Cleverbot: Explain your server.
User: Whore.
User: Ymcmb.
Cleverbot: Tagoa lagistu.
User: Ymcmb.
Cleverbot: Kysymystäni.
Cleverbot: What is it like to be you?
User: Ymcmb.
Cleverbot: Kysymystäni.
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